.. currentmodule:: pythainlp.el pythainlp.el ============ The :class:`pythainlp.el` module is an essential component of Thai Entity Linking within the PyThaiNLP library. Entity Linking is a key natural language processing task that associates mentions in text with corresponding entities in a knowledge base. .. autoclass:: EntityLinker :members: EntityLinker ------------ The :class:`EntityLinker` class is the core component of the `pythainlp.el` module, responsible for Thai Entity Linking. Entity Linking, also known as Named Entity Linking (NEL), plays a critical role in various applications, including question answering, information retrieval, and knowledge graph construction. .. Attributes and Methods .. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. The `EntityLinker` class offers the following attributes and methods: .. - `__init__(text, engine="default")` .. - The constructor for the `EntityLinker` class. It takes the input `text` and an optional `engine` parameter to specify the entity linking engine. The default engine is used if no specific engine is provided. .. - `link()` .. - The `link` method performs entity linking on the input text using the specified engine. It returns a list of entities linked in the text, along with their relevant information. .. - `set_engine(engine)` .. - The `set_engine` method allows you to change the entity linking engine during runtime. This provides flexibility in selecting different engines for entity linking based on your specific requirements. .. - `get_linked_entities()` .. - The `get_linked_entities` method retrieves a list of linked entities from the last entity linking operation. This is useful for extracting the entities found in the text. .. Usage .. ~~~~~ .. To use the `EntityLinker` class for entity linking, follow these steps: .. 1. Initialize an `EntityLinker` object with the input text and, optionally, specify the engine. .. 2. Call the `link` method to perform entity linking on the text. .. 3. Utilize the `get_linked_entities` method to access the linked entities found in the text. Example ~~~~~~~ Here's a simple example of how to use the `EntityLinker` class: :: from pythainlp.el import EntityLinker text = "กรุงเทพเป็นเมืองหลวงของประเทศไทย" el = EntityLinker() linked_entities = el.get_el(text) print(linked_entities)