.. currentmodule:: pythainlp.parse pythainlp.parse =============== The :class:`pythainlp.parse` module provides dependency parsing for the Thai language. Dependency parsing is a fundamental task in natural language processing that involves identifying the grammatical relationships between words in a sentence, which helps to analyze sentence structure and meaning. Modules ------- dependency_parsing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. autofunction:: dependency_parsing The `dependency_parsing` function is the core component of the `pythainlp.parse` module. It offers dependency parsing capabilities for the Thai language. Given a Thai sentence as input, this function parses the sentence to identify the grammatical relationships between words, creating a dependency tree that represents the sentence's structure. Usage ~~~~~ To use the `dependency_parsing` function for Thai dependency parsing, follow these steps: 1. Import the `pythainlp.parse` module. 2. Use the `dependency_parsing` function with a Thai sentence as input. 3. The function will return the dependency parsing results, which include information about the grammatical relationships between words. Example ~~~~~~~ Here's a basic example of how to use the `dependency_parsing` function: :: from pythainlp.parse import dependency_parsing # Input Thai sentence sentence = "พี่น้องชาวบ้านกำลังเลี้ยงสตางค์ในสวน" # Perform dependency parsing parsing_result = dependency_parsing(sentence) # Print the parsing result print(parsing_result)