.. currentmodule:: pythainlp.tools pythainlp.tools =============== The :mod:`pythainlp.tools` module encompasses a collection of miscellaneous functions primarily designed for internal use within the PyThaiNLP library. While these functions may not be directly exposed for external use, understanding their purpose can offer insights into the inner workings of PyThaiNLP. Modules ------- .. autofunction:: get_full_data_path :noindex: Retrieves the full path to the PyThaiNLP data directory. This function is essential for internal data management, enabling PyThaiNLP to locate resources efficiently. .. autofunction:: get_pythainlp_data_path :noindex: Obtains the path to the PyThaiNLP data directory. This function is useful for accessing the library's data resources for internal processes. .. autofunction:: get_pythainlp_path :noindex: Returns the path to the PyThaiNLP library directory. This function is vital for PyThaiNLP's internal operations and library management. .. autofunction:: pythainlp.tools.misspell.misspell :noindex: This module appears to be related to handling misspellings within PyThaiNLP. While not explicitly documented here, it likely provides functionality for identifying and correcting misspelled words, which can be crucial for text preprocessing and language processing tasks. The `pythainlp.tools` module contains these functions, which are mainly intended for PyThaiNLP's internal workings. While they may not be directly utilized by external users, they play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth operation of the library. Understanding the purpose of these functions can be valuable for contributors and developers working on PyThaiNLP, as it sheds light on the internal mechanisms and data management within the library.