Source code for pythainlp.ulmfit.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Code by

from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals

import re
import sys

from pythainlp.corpus import download, get_file
from pythainlp.tokenize import word_tokenize

# numpy and fastai
    import numpy as np
    from fastai.text import *
    import dill as pickle
except ImportError:
    from import install_package

        import numpy as np
        from fastai.text import *
        import dill as pickle
    except ImportError:
        print("Error installing using 'pip install fastai numpy dill'")

# import torch
    import torch
except ImportError:
    print("PyTorch required. See")

MODEL_NAME = "thwiki_model2"
ITOS_NAME = "itos"

# paralellized Thai tokenizer with some text cleaning
[docs]class ThaiTokenizer: def __init__(self, engine="newmm"): """ :parameters for tokenization engine: * newmm - Maximum Matching algorithm + TCC * icu - IBM ICU * longest-matching - Longest matching * mm - Maximum Matching algorithm * pylexto - LexTo * deepcut - Deep Neural Network """ self.engine = engine self.__RE_BR = re.compile(r"<\s*br\s*/?>", re.IGNORECASE) self.__RE_REP = re.compile(r"(\S)(\1{3,})") self.__RE_SLASH_HASH = re.compile(r"([/#])") self.__RE_DOUBLE_SPACE = re.compile(" {2,}")
[docs] def sub_br(self, text): """ :meth:`sub_br` replace `<br>` tags with `\n` :param str text: text to process :return: procssed text """ return self.__RE_BR.sub("\n", text)
[docs] def tokenize(self, text): """ :meth: tokenize text with selected engine :param str text: text to tokenize :return: tokenized text """ return [t for t in word_tokenize(self.sub_br(text), engine=self.engine)]
[docs] @staticmethod def replace_rep(text): """ :meth:`replace_rep` replace 3 or above repetitive characters with `tkrep` :param str text: text to process :return: processed text where repetitions are replaced by `tkrep` followed by number of repetitions **Example**:: >>> from pythainlp.ulmfit.utils import ThaiTokenizer >>> tt = ThaiTokenizer() >>> tt.replace_rep('คือดียยยยยย') คือดีtkrep6ย """ TK_REP = "tkrep" c, cc = text.groups() return f"{TK_REP}{len(cc)+1}{c}"
[docs] def proc_text(self, text): """ :meth: `proc_text` procss and tokenize text removing repetitions, special characters, double spaces :param str text: text to process :return: processed and tokenized text """ s = self.__RE_REP.sub(ThaiTokenizer.replace_rep, text) s = self.__RE_SLASH_HASH.sub(r" \1 ", s) s = self.__RE_DOUBLE_SPACE(" ", s) return self.tokenize(s)
[docs] @staticmethod def proc_all(ss): """ :meth: `proc_all` runs `proc_text` for multiple sentences :param str text: text to process :return: processed and tokenized text """ tok = ThaiTokenizer() return [tok.proc_text(s) for s in ss]
[docs] @staticmethod def proc_all_mp(ss): """ :meth: `proc_all` runs `proc_text` for multiple sentences using multiple cpus :param str text: text to process :return: processed and tokenized text """ ncpus = num_cpus() // 2 with ProcessPoolExecutor(ncpus) as e: return sum(, ss), [])
# ulmfit helper functions BOS = "xbos" # beginning-of-sentence tag
[docs]def get_texts(df): """ :meth: `get_texts` get tuple of tokenized texts and labels :param pandas.DataFrame df: `pandas.DataFrame` with `label` as first column and `text` as second column :return: * tok - lists of tokenized texts with beginning-of-sentence tag `xbos` as first element of each list * labels - list of labels """ labels = df.iloc[:, 0].values.astype(np.int64) texts = BOS + df.iloc[:, 1].astype(str).apply(lambda x: x.rstrip()) tok = ThaiTokenizer().proc_all_mp(partition_by_cores(texts)) return (tok, list(labels))
[docs]def get_all(df): """ :meth: `get_all` iterate `get_texts` for all the entire `pandas.DataFrame` :param pandas.DataFrame df: `pandas.DataFrame` with `label` as first column and `text` as second column :return: * tok - lists of tokenized texts with beginning-of-sentence tag `xbos` as first element of each list * labels - list of labels """ tok, labels = [], [] for _, r in enumerate(df): tok_, labels_ = get_texts(r) tok += tok_ labels += labels_ return (tok, labels)
[docs]def numericalizer( df, itos=None, max_vocab=60000, min_freq=2, pad_tok="_pad_", unk_tok="_unk_" ): """ :meth: `numericalize` numericalize tokenized texts for: * tokens with word frequency more than `min_freq` * at maximum vocab size of `max_vocab` * add unknown token `_unk_` and padding token `_pad_` in first and second position * use integer-to-string list `itos` if avaiable e.g. ['_unk_', '_pad_','first_word','second_word',...] :param pandas.DataFrame df: `pandas.DataFrame` with `label` as first column and `text` as second column :param list itos: integer-to-string list :param int max_vocab: maximum number of vocabulary (default 60000) :param int min_freq: minimum word frequency to be included (default 2) :param str pad_tok: padding token :param str unk_token: unknown token :return: * lm - `numpy.array` of numericalized texts * tok - lists of tokenized texts with beginning-of-sentence tag `xbos` as first element of each list * labels - list of labels * itos - integer-to-string list e.g. ['_unk_', '_pad_','first_word','second_word',...] * stoi - string-to-integer dict e.g. {'_unk_':0, '_pad_':1,'first_word':2,'second_word':3,...} * freq - `collections.Counter` for word frequency """ tok, labels = get_all(df) freq = Counter(p for o in tok for p in o) if itos is None: itos = [o for o, c in freq.most_common(max_vocab) if c > min_freq] itos.insert(0, pad_tok) itos.insert(0, unk_tok) stoi = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 0, {v: k for k, v in enumerate(itos)}) lm = np.array([[stoi[o] for o in p] for p in tok]) return (lm, tok, labels, itos, stoi, freq)
[docs]def merge_wgts(em_sz, wgts, itos_pre, itos_cls): """ :param pandas.DataFrame df: `pandas.DataFrame` with `label` as first column and `text` as second column :param int em_sz: size of embedding vectors (pretrained model is at 300) :param wgts: saved pyTorch weights of pretrained model :param list itos_pre: integer-to-string list of pretrained model :param list itos_cls: integer-to-string list of current dataset :return: merged weights of the model for current dataset """ vocab_size = len(itos_cls) enc_wgts = to_np(wgts["0.encoder.weight"]) # average weight of encoding row_m = enc_wgts.mean(0) stoi_pre = collections.defaultdict( lambda: -1, {v: k for k, v in enumerate(itos_pre)} ) # new embedding based on classification dataset new_w = np.zeros((vocab_size, em_sz), dtype=np.float32) for i, w in enumerate(itos_cls): r = stoi_pre[w] # use pretrianed embedding if present; else use the average new_w[i] = enc_wgts[r] if r >= 0 else row_m wgts["0.encoder.weight"] = T(new_w) wgts["0.encoder_with_dropout.embed.weight"] = T(np.copy(new_w)) wgts["1.decoder.weight"] = T(np.copy(new_w)) return wgts
# feature extractor
[docs]def document_vector(ss, m, stoi, tok_engine="newmm"): """ :meth: `document_vector` get document vector using pretrained ULMFit model :param str ss: sentence to extract embeddings :param m: pyTorch model :param dict stoi: string-to-integer dict e.g. {'_unk_':0, '_pad_':1,'first_word':2,'second_word':3,...} :param str tok_engine: tokenization engine (recommend using `newmm` if you are using pretrained ULMFit model) :return: `numpy.array` of document vector sized 300 """ s = word_tokenize(ss) t = LongTensor([stoi[i] for i in s]).view(-1, 1).cuda() t = Variable(t, volatile=False) m.reset() pred, *_ = m[0](t) # get average of last lstm layer along bptt res = to_np(torch.mean(pred[-1], 0).view(-1)) return res
class SaveFeatures: features = None def __init__(self, m): self.hook = m.register_forward_hook(self.hook_fn) def hook_fn(self, module, input, output): self.features = output def remove(self): self.hook.remove() # Download pretrained models def get_path(fname): path = get_file(fname) if not path: download(fname) path = get_file(fname) return path def load_pretrained_model(): path = get_path(MODEL_NAME) wgts = torch.load(path, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) return wgts def load_pretrained_itos(): path = get_path(ITOS_NAME) itos = pickle.load(open(path, "rb")) return itos
[docs]def about(): return """ thai2vec State-of-the-Art Language Modeling, Text Feature Extraction and Text Classification in Thai Language. Created as part of PyThaiNLP with ULMFit implementation from Development : Charin Polpanumas GitHub : """