Source code for pythainlp.util.numtoword

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Convert number value to Thai read out

Adapted from
import math

__all__ = ["bahttext", "num_to_thaiword"]

[docs]def bahttext(number: float) -> str: """ This function converts a number to Thai text and adds a suffix "บาท" (Baht). The precision will be fixed at two decimal places (0.00) to fits "สตางค์" (Satang) unit. This function works similar to `BAHTTEXT` function in MS Excel. :param float number: number to be converted into Thai Baht currency format :return: text representing the amount of money in the format of Thai currency :rtype: str :Example: :: from pythainlp.util import bahttext bahttext(1) # output: หนึ่งบาทถ้วน bahttext(21) # output: ยี่สิบเอ็ดบาทถ้วน bahttext(200) # output: สองร้อยบาทถ้วน """ ret = "" if number is None: pass elif number == 0: ret = "ศูนย์บาทถ้วน" else: num_int, num_dec = "{:.2f}".format(number).split(".") num_int = int(num_int) num_dec = int(num_dec) baht = num_to_thaiword(num_int) if baht: ret = "".join([ret, baht, "บาท"]) satang = num_to_thaiword(num_dec) if satang and satang != "ศูนย์": ret = "".join([ret, satang, "สตางค์"]) else: ret = "".join([ret, "ถ้วน"]) return ret
[docs]def num_to_thaiword(number: int) -> str: """ This function convert number to Thai text :param int number: an integer number to be converted to Thai text :return: text representing the number in Thai :rtype: str :Example: :: from pythainlp.util import num_to_thaiword num_to_thaiword(1) # output: หนึ่ง num_to_thaiword(11) # output: สิบเอ็ด """ values = ['', 'หนึ่ง', 'สอง', 'สาม', 'สี่', 'ห้า', 'หก', 'เจ็ด', 'แปด', 'เก้า'] places = ['', 'สิบ', 'ร้อย', 'พัน', 'หมื่น', 'แสน', 'ล้าน'] exceptions = {'หนึ่งสิบ' : 'สิบ', 'สองสิบ' : 'ยี่สิบ', 'สิบหนึ่ง' : 'สิบเอ็ด'} output = '' number_temp = number if number == None: return '' elif number == 0: output = "ศูนย์" number = str(abs(number)) for place,value in enumerate(list(number[::-1])): if (place % 6 == 0 and place > 0): output = places[6] + output if (value != '0'): output = values[int(value)] + places[place % 6] + output for search,replac in exceptions.items(): output = output.replace(search,replac) if number_temp < 0: output = "ลบ" + output return output