Source code for pythainlp.augment.wordnet

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
__all__ = [

from pythainlp.corpus import wordnet
from collections import OrderedDict
from pythainlp.tokenize import word_tokenize
from pythainlp.tag import pos_tag
from typing import List
from nltk.corpus import wordnet as wn
import itertools

lst20 = {
    "": "",
    "AJ": wn.ADJ,
    "AV": wn.ADV,
    "AX": "",
    "CC": "",
    "CL": wn.NOUN,
    "FX": wn.NOUN,
    "IJ": "",
    "NN": wn.NOUN,
    "NU": "",
    "NG": "",
    "PA": "",
    "PR": "",
    "PS": "",
    "PU": "",
    "VV": wn.VERB,
    "XX": "",

orchid = {
    "": "",
    # NOUN
    "NOUN": wn.NOUN,
    "NCMN": wn.NOUN,
    "NTTL": wn.NOUN,
    "CNIT": wn.NOUN,
    "CLTV": wn.NOUN,
    "CMTR": wn.NOUN,
    "CFQC": wn.NOUN,
    "CVBL": wn.NOUN,
    # VERB
    "VACT": wn.VERB,
    "VSTA": wn.VERB,
    # PROPN
    "PROPN": "",
    "NPRP": "",
    # ADJ
    "ADJ": wn.ADJ,
    "NONM": wn.ADJ,
    "VATT": wn.ADJ,
    "DONM": wn.ADJ,
    # ADV
    "ADV": wn.ADV,
    "ADVN": wn.ADV,
    "ADVI": wn.ADV,
    "ADVP": wn.ADV,
    "ADVS": wn.ADV,
    # INT
    "INT": "",
    # PRON
    "PRON": "",
    "PPRS": "",
    "PDMN": "",
    "PNTR": "",
    # DET
    "DET": "",
    "DDAN": "",
    "DDAC": "",
    "DDBQ": "",
    "DDAQ": "",
    "DIAC": "",
    "DIBQ": "",
    "DIAQ": "",
    # NUM
    "NUM": "",
    "NCNM": "",
    "NLBL": "",
    "DCNM": "",
    # AUX
    "AUX": "",
    "XVBM": "",
    "XVAM": "",
    "XVMM": "",
    "XVBB": "",
    "XVAE": "",
    # ADP
    "ADP": "",
    "RPRE": "",
    # CCONJ
    "CCONJ": "",
    "JCRG": "",
    # SCONJ
    "SCONJ": "",
    "PREL": "",
    "JSBR": "",
    "JCMP": "",
    # PART
    "PART": "",
    "FIXN": "",
    "FIXV": "",
    "EAFF": "",
    "EITT": "",
    "AITT": "",
    "NEG": "",
    # PUNCT
    "PUNCT": "",
    "PUNC": "",

def postype2wordnet(pos: str, corpus: str):
    convert part-of-speech type to wordnet type

    :param str pos: pos type
    :param str corpus: part-of-speech corpus

    **Options for corpus**
        * *lst20* - LST20 Corpus
        * *orchid* - Orchid Corpus
    if corpus not in ['lst20', 'orchid']:
        return None
    if corpus == 'lst20':
        return lst20[pos]
        return orchid[pos]

[docs]class WordNetAug: """ Text Augment using wordnet """
[docs] def __init__(self): pass
[docs] def find_synonyms( self, word: str, pos: str = None, postag_corpus: str = "lst20" ) -> List[str]: """ Find synonyms from wordnet :param str word: word :param str pos: part-of-speech type :param str postag_corpus: postag corpus name :return: list of synonyms :rtype: List[str] """ self.synonyms = [] if pos is None: self.list_synsets = wordnet.synsets(word) else: self.p2w_pos = postype2wordnet(pos, postag_corpus) if self.p2w_pos != '': self.list_synsets = wordnet.synsets(word, pos=self.p2w_pos) else: self.list_synsets = wordnet.synsets(word) for self.synset in wordnet.synsets(word): for self.syn in self.synset.lemma_names(lang='tha'): self.synonyms.append(self.syn) self.synonyms_without_duplicates = list( OrderedDict.fromkeys(self.synonyms) ) return self.synonyms_without_duplicates
[docs] def augment( self, sentence: str, tokenize: object = word_tokenize, max_syn_sent: int = 6, postag: bool = True, postag_corpus: str = "lst20" ) -> List[List[str]]: """ Text Augment using wordnet :param str sentence: thai sentence :param object tokenize: function for tokenize word :param int max_syn_sent: max number for synonyms sentence :param bool postag: on part-of-speech :param str postag_corpus: postag corpus name :return: list of synonyms :rtype: List[Tuple[str]] :Example: :: from pythainlp.augment import WordNetAug aug = WordNetAug() aug.augment("เราชอบไปโรงเรียน") # output: [('เรา', 'ชอบ', 'ไป', 'ร.ร.'), ('เรา', 'ชอบ', 'ไป', 'รร.'), ('เรา', 'ชอบ', 'ไป', 'โรงเรียน'), ('เรา', 'ชอบ', 'ไป', 'อาคารเรียน'), ('เรา', 'ชอบ', 'ไปยัง', 'ร.ร.'), ('เรา', 'ชอบ', 'ไปยัง', 'รร.')] """ new_sentences = [] self.list_words = tokenize(sentence) self.list_synonym = [] self.p_all = 1 if postag: self.list_pos = pos_tag(self.list_words, corpus=postag_corpus) for word, pos in self.list_pos: self.temp = self.find_synonyms(word, pos, postag_corpus) if self.temp == []: self.list_synonym.append([word]) else: self.list_synonym.append(self.temp) self.p_all *= len(self.temp) else: for word in self.list_words: self.temp = self.find_synonyms(word) if self.temp == []: self.list_synonym.append([word]) else: self.list_synonym.append(self.temp) self.p_all *= len(self.temp) if max_syn_sent > self.p_all: max_syn_sent = self.p_all for x in list(itertools.product(*self.list_synonym))[0:max_syn_sent]: new_sentences.append(x) return new_sentences